New! Order Official Transcripts Directly from Your MySJSU Account

Ordering Official Transcripts

Now you can order your official transcripts directly from your MySJSU account – Student Center.


For detailed instructions on how to order official transcripts, visit Transcripts.


If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar:


Fall ’15 Payments Due Oct 15

Cashier in Student Services Center

Cashier in Student Services Center

Check Your Account

Please view your MySJSU account to see if you have any outstanding charges for Fall 2015.

Payment Due Date

Payments are due by 11:50 pm on Thursday October 15.


Visit the Bursar’s Office website for more information. The Bursar’s Office can be reached at or
408-924-1601 should you have any questions.

Spring ’15 Payments Due Mar 16

SJSU CashierFinal Payments Due

The final Fall 2014 payment due date is Monday, March 16. Please log onto MySJSU and verify that you do not have an outstanding balance.

If you see that you do have a balance due, please make your payment by the due date to avoid any negative consequences.


For more information, visit the Bursar’s Office.

You can contact them at or 408-924-1601 if you have any questions.

Spring ’15 Payments Due Feb 13

Cashier in Student Services Center

Cashier in Student Services Center

Check Your Account

If you have registered for your Spring 2015 classes, please log into MySJSU and view your account to see if you have any outstanding charges.

Payment Due Date

The Spring 2015 payment due date is Friday, February 13. If you have a balance due. Failure to meet the payment deadline will result in your being dropped from your classes.


For more information, visit the Bursar’s Office. You can contact them at or 408-924-1601 if you have any questions.