The Pay Now and Payment Plans and Account Services buttons will be unavailable on Monday, December 17, from 10:00 am to approximately 3:00 pm to allow for enrollment cancellation for those students enrolled in Spring 2013 classes who failed to pay by the December 15 payment deadline. Please contact the Bursar’s Office at should you have any questions.
Category Archives: System/Technical Updates
Has Your MySJSU Password Expired?
In March ’12, San José State changed over to using SJSUOne accounts for sign in IDs and passwords. You can use your same SJSUOne account ID and password to sign in to your SJSU gmail, your wireless account, and your MySJSU account.
Note: Your ID is the 9-digit number printed on the back of your SJSU ID card. If you do not have an ID card, go to the Bursar’s Office.
Expired Passwords
If you see a message in MySJSU that says your password has expired, you are using the wrong ID/password combination and you need to start using your SJSUOne login credentials.
If you already log into the campus wireless or campus-provided gmail, your ID and password for signing in to MySJSU is the same password you use for those 2 services.
Activate Your Account
If you have never used SJSUOne, you need to activate your account by visiting SJSUOne Activate Your Account.
Note: If you are a student living on campus this semester, the zip code you will need to use is 95112.
Forgotten Passwords
If you know your ID and have an active account, but just forgot your password, you can get an automated password reset at SJSUOne Lost password.
SJSUOne Password Expiration Emails Coming Soon!
Beginning April 13, emails will be sent to notify you when your SJSUOne password is about to expire.
The first notification will be sent 30 days prior to expiration and the second will be sent 7 days prior.
The email will come from Please make sure to add this address to your contact list so the email doesn’t get sent to your spam folder.
iPad Users: Use Terra Browser instead of Safari in MySJSU
We recommend that you download the free Terra browser before signing in to MySJSU.
There are known incompatibilities with the mobile Safari browser on the iPad and we do not recommend it for MySJSU users.
MySJSU/HSJPRD Back Online!
MySJSU/HSJPRD is back online after last weekend’s major upgrade. Sign in now and take a look around! Please note that you should clear your browser cache before signing in. You may be required to validate the certificate once you click the sign in button. This is normal when we bring an upgraded site back online.
As a reminder, the majority of you can sign in with your SJSUOne ID and password. Alumni, along with SLIS faculty members, should use your old MySJSU IDs and passwords. See My Password/Sign In Help for details.
Updated user guides and quick steps have been posted to help you navigate the updated system. Additional tutorials are being developed so check back over the next few weeks for more updates.
If you experience any difficulty signing in, are missing pages you used to see, or discover any errors, please contact the CMS Help Desk with the details ( / 408-924-1530).
We appreciate your patience as we worked through the upgrade process.