Author Archives: laurel
Applications Invited for Sigma Xi Student Science Research Grants
Sigma Xi, a society of research scientists and engineers that rewards excellence in research and cooperation among scientists in all fields, has been providing undergraduate and graduate students with valuable educational experiences and financial support for more than eighty years. By encouraging close working relationships between students and faculty, the society promotes scientific achievement through hands-on learning.
Through its Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research program, the society awards grants of up to $1,000 to students from any science or engineering discipline. In addition, designated funds from the National Academy of Sciences allow for grants of up to $5,000 for astronomy research and $2,500 for vision-related research. Funding can support travel expenses or nonstandard laboratory equipment necessary to complete a specific research project.
While membership in Sigma Xi is not required for an applicant to receive funding, approximately 75 percent of the Grants-in-Aid of Research funds are restricted for use by dues-paying student members or students whose project advisor is a dues-paying member. Students from any country are eligible to receive funding.
Complete program guidelines and application instructions are available on the Sigma Xi Web site.
Application Deadlines: March 15 and October 15 annually
Amgen Scholars Program Research Program
Undergraduate Summer Research Program in Science and Biotechnology
Application Deadline for Summer 2014 is February 3
Each host university has its own application process. You can apply to participate at as many host universities as you are interested in. The application at each host university requires, at a minimum, the submission of an official transcript, a letter of recommendation, and a personal statement or essay.
To apply to be an Amgen Scholar, students can go to the Host Universities Page of the Amgen Scholars website and click on the host university they are interested in. After reading about the Program at that particular host university, students can follow the link to that university’s summer research program website and find the Amgen Scholars application for that host university on their page.
Student Assistant Position for MESA
MESA is looking to hire a Student Assistant to help maintain it’s MESA Day iOS app. See attached for details.
Spring 2014 MESA Programming Specialist SA
Mathematical Biosciences Institute 2014 Undergraduate Research Program
2014 MBI Undergraduate Summer Research Program
June 2 – August 15, 2014
This program introduces students to exciting new areas of mathematical biology and involves them in collaborative research with their peers and faculty mentors. The program consists of three parts – each with a mix of educational and social experiences:
- Two-week Introduction (June 2-13, 2014): Tutorials, computer labs, and team efforts designed to introduce students to a variety of topics in mathematical biology.
- Eight-week REU Program (June 16-August 8, 2014): An individualized research experience as part of a research team at a participating institution. There are 14 projects to choose from.
- Capstone Conference (August 11-15, 2014): A student centered conference featuring talks and posters by student researchers in math biology, keynotes by prominent math biologists, and a graduate studies recruitment fair.
Apply for the REU program
A complete application will require:
- Two letters of reference
- A ranked list of the three projects that you want to participate in (see above)
- A statement indicating your reasons for wanting to participate in this program
For full consideration, completed applications must be received by Monday, January 27, 2014.
Applications for the TWO-WEEK INTRODUCTION ONLY will be due in April.
Applications for the CAPSTONE CONFERENCE ONLY will be due in June.