Summer Opportunities for Undergrad Students for Training in Biostatistics

Seven Summer Institutes for Training in Biostatistics (SIBS) are scheduled for the summer of 2013. SIBS are open to all US undergraduate and beginning graduate students (US citizens or permanent residents) and are sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Center for Research Resources. The programs have been very successful, but space is limited!

The program flyer explains that SIBS is offered at seven sites: Boston University, Columbia University, University of Iowa, North Carolina State University-Duke Clinical Research Institute, University of Pittsburgh, University of South Florida, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Further details are given at the individual websites listed on the flyer.

SIBS introduces quantitatively oriented participants to Biostatistics. Students learn about the applications of statistical methods to biomedical research through coursework and hands-on experience working with real data collected in major clinical studies. Each of the program sites has its own unique features, but they all have a well-conceived, balanced agenda and an outstanding staff of dedicated investigators and professors. No specific training in statistics is required as a prerequisite.

Participants receive college credit that can transfer back to their home institutions. All costs are covered including tuition, housing, and all meals. Students may apply to more than one program, but should accept only one.

We hope that this information reaches interested students majoring in the mathematical, biological, and other sciences, with strong quantitative skills. There is a shortage of biostatisticians world wide, so career opportunities are quite good across many sectors.

For more information, including dates for summer 2013 and online applications to individual programs, please visit our program web sites:

Boston University
Columbia University
University of Iowa
NC State University – Duke Clinical Research Institute
University of Pittsburgh
University of South Florida
University of Wisconsin

Program flyer :   flyer
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