Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro was recently featured in the SJSU Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’s (ODEI) Good Trouble series, which features stories of activism and necessary trouble from Bay Area Leaders. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month – Sep. 15-Oct. 15th, this episode featured the experiences, stories, and wisdom of SJSU Chicanx/Latinx staff, faculty, and administrators on our campus: Magdalena Barrera, Marcos Pizzaro, Fernanda Perdomo-Arciniegas, Lilly Pinedo Gangai, and Ana Navarrete.
Category Archives: Interdisciplinary
Read our 2020-2021 Lurie College Impact Report
As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, our SJSU Lurie College of Education is positioned to lead. Our faculty, staff, and students have done remarkable work during this past year. We’ve grown enrollments in our traditional programs and launched exciting new programs that extend our reach to new student populations. We’ve strengthened our commitment to educational equity and racial justice by investing resources in bold emancipatory initiatives and tackling structural challenges within the college. We’ve amplified the impact of faculty-led research by strengthening our community partnerships and growing our media engagement. These achievements position Lurie College to lead our regional P-20 educational ecosystem and to be a model nationally of what it means to be a truly transformative college of education.
Read our 2020-2021 Impact Report above or at
Attend Our Institute for Emancipatory Education Webinar
The Institute for Emancipatory Education at the SJSU Lurie College of Education is honored to present Dr. Tara J. Yosso as our Inaugural Distinguished Scholar in Residence. Dr. Yosso will kick off this new role by leading the webinar “Emancipatory Education from Theory to Praxis: Community Cultural Wealth, Counterstorytelling, and Critical Race Media Literacy” on Monday, October 25, from 5-6:30pm PDT.
This webinar is for SJSU students, faculty, and staff interested in moving the concept of emancipatory education from theory to praxis. Tara J. Yosso will discuss three areas of her work: community cultural wealth, counterstorytelling, and critical race media literacy. Together, participants will identify points of praxis for our own work.
Learn more and RSVP at
Lurie College Faculty Publishes Book Chapter
Congratulations to Counselor Education faculty Jason Laker, who published a chapter entitled, A Modest Ambitious Proposal: Envisioning an Education System that Works for Everyone, with co-author, Dr. Kornelija Mrnjaus (Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Rijeka, Republic of Croatia) in a text entitled, Problems and Perspectives of Contemporary Education (2021). The book was published by the Institute for Educational Research (Belgrade, Serbia) in collaboration with the Faculty of Philology, Peoples` Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia) and the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Belgrade (Belgrade, Serbia).
Lurie College Leading Ethnic Studies Efforts
With California becoming the first state in the United States to make the completion of an ethnic studies course a requirement for high school graduation, Lurie College has already been leading in this area and preparing educators in our college to teach ethnic studies at the secondary level. Watch the video below to earn more about 3 of our Lurie College students – Julia Duggs, Jenna Kunz, and Angelica Lopez – who had Ethnic Studies Teacher Residencies during the 2020-2021 academic year. Julia also copresented “Freedom Dreaming: Ethnic Studies Teaching in the Secondary Grades” and Teacher Education faculty Wanda Watson copresented “Bringing Our Humanity to the TK-5 Classroom Through an Ethnic Studies Stance” as part of the Summer 2021 Lurie College K-12 Teaching Academy.
Attend the Early Childhood Institute Virtual Speaker Series
The SJSU Early Childhood Institute (ECI) is thrilled to host Ana Marisol Sanchez and Cory Wechsler from the Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) program for our upcoming ECI Virtual Speaker Series event.
Join us on Thursday, October 14, from 3-4pm for a conversation on centering dual language learners through family-school partnerships. RSVP to attend this event by completing this Google form.
Upcoming Early Childhood Student-Alumni Network (ESAN) Meeting
Join our Early Childhood Student-Alumni Network (ESAN) student organization on Tuesday, October 5, at 6pm on Zoom for their first meeting of the semester!
ESAN creates an interdisciplinary network of current San José State University students interested in working with young children with alumni currently in the field. The group is intended to respond to the needs of students, with activities based on student interest. This hub of student activity may engage in a variety of professional development activities under the guidance of a faculty advisor. For example, students may be interested in learning more about professional practices across the field to inform their knowledge and interaction with young children. This group may also engage in career exploration, with alumni returning to share insights from their own professional paths.
To become a member, fill out this Google form.
Transforming the Way We Teach
How can pursuing an education help you find your voice — and how can you use your voice to transform others?
San José State’s Connie L. Lurie College of Education is subverting the hierarchies embedded in higher education, primarily “systemic racism that has historically prevented full inclusion and equity for our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) students, staff, and faculty,” one initiative at a time. Starting in 2018, Dean Heather Lattimer invited students, staff and faculty to participate in a year-long strategic planning process to brainstorm innovative ways to disrupt education. How could each department, from Teacher Education to Communicative Disorders and Sciences, create an environment that promoted inclusivity, diversity and anti-racist thought?
The first step? Listening. Listening to our teachers, undergraduates, graduate students and staff as well as educators working in the field, researchers and policymakers. Listening to lecturers like Marcella McCollum, ’05 MA Speech Pathology, ’22 EdD, who not only volunteered to serve on the strategic planning committee but also proposed a minor in Transformative Leadership in partnership with Rebeca Burciaga, professor of educational leadership and Chicana and Chicano Studies.
“We need to think about changing paradigms,” says McCollum. “We cannot just offer a class or textbook that tells you how to overcome the challenges that exist in our current educational systems as they are designed. We want students to question why things are the way they are. We want them to have the tools, so they can push back when something looks unjust.”
Throughout the year-long process, the strategic planning committee interviewed students, gathered research and collaborated to update the college mission. The committee created an identity statement and formed four strategic pillars — community engagement, cultural sustainability, holistic approaches and interdisciplinary collaboration — which unites the college’s work across departments. Faculty, staff and students were then invited to submit grant proposals for endeavors that aligned with those pillars.
Luz Nicacio, ’21 Child and Adolescent Development, provided key insight as the only undergraduate on the committee who helped review grant proposals, provide feedback to those submitting ideas and select those that would be awarded funding.
“I saw how influential my voice was in deciding the college’s direction,” she says. “Being on the committee showed me that my college values the opinions of its students and does care about us.”
Read the full story from Julia Halprin Jackson on the SJSU Transform website.
Lurie College Faculty Publishes Journal Article
Congratulations to Special Education faculty Saili Kulkarni, who co-published “A QuantCrit Analysis of Context, Discipline, Special Education, and Disproportionality” in AERA Open. Read the article abstract below and read the full article at
Using a dis/ability critical race theory (DisCrit) and critical quantitative (QuantCrit) lens, we examine disproportionate application of exclusionary discipline on multiply marginalized youth, foregrounding systemic injustice and institutionalized racism. In doing so, we examined temporal-, student-, and school-level factors that may result in exclusion and othering (i.e., placing into special education and punishing with out-of-school suspensions) within one school district. We frame this study in DisCrit and QuantCrit frameworks to connect data-based decision making to sociocultural understandings of the ways in which schools use both special education and discipline to simultaneously provide and limit opportunities for different student groups. Results showed a complex interconnectedness between student sociodemographic labels (e.g., gender, race, and socioeconomic status) and factors associated with both special education identification and exclusionary discipline. Our findings suggest that quantitative studies lacking in-depth theoretical justification may perpetuate deficit understandings of the racialization of disability and intersections with exclusionary discipline.
Counselor Education Students Participate in International ZoomPal Project
In collaboration with Dr. Insoo Oh at Ewha Womans University in South Korea, Counselor Education faculty Dr. Kyoung Mi Choi facilitated a week-long international virtual exchange program from August 8 to August 12, 2021. It was a wonderful opportunity for seven Counselor Education graduate students, Victor Calvillo Chavez, Yesenia Torres, Jasmine Torres, Laura Sheldon, Jilian Gomez, Ligia Briseno, Elvia Hernandez, at San José State University to co-facilitate a small group discussion and to engage in cross-cultural conversation with 13 Korean college students at Ewha Womans University about a range of topics, including diversity in college life, learning styles and academic success, career exploration and decision-making process, friendship and romantic relationships, and self-care and mental health in COVID-19. Dr. Samuel Y. Kim (assistant professor at the University of Denver) and Julia Kim (graduate student in Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education), also joined as guest speakers and shared their cross-cultural expertise and experiences.
Lurie College Faculty Receives National Science Foundation Grant
Congratulations to Teacher Education faculty Tammie Visintainer, who is now a Co-Principal Investigator (PI) for a newly-received $600,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science award for the project “Multidisciplinary Teacher Research Experience in Engineering (M-TREE)”.
Attend the Lurie College Student Open Forum
Join Dean Heather Lattimer and Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro on Wednesday, September 1, from 3-4pm on Zoom for an informal discussion about your student priorities! The information to join the Zoom discussion was sent to Lurie College students via a Google Calendar email invitaiton.
Lurie College Faculty Co-publishes Leadership Textbook
Congratulations to Department of Educational Leadership faculty Arnold Danzig, who recently co-published School Leader Internship: Developing, Monitoring, and Evaluating Your Leadership Experience! The book is available for 20% off at with the discount code FLY21.
New SJSU Minor in Transformative Leadership
Our new SJSU undergraduate Minor in Transformative Leadership is an interdisciplinary approach to leadership development through engagement with anti-racist pedagogies and practices. By building a foundation and framework for developing an intersectional lens throughout this program, students develop their leadership goals around becoming transformative agents of change in their communities through meaningful, culturally affirming, and sustaining practices!
Our Fall 2021 courses include EDLD 120 – The Right to Learn: Language, Dignity, and Education as well as EDLD 160 – 1st Generation College Students Pathways. Watch the video below to meet our Lurie College faculty who are teaching the courses – Dr. Veneice Guillory-Lacy, Dr. María Ledesma, and Dr. Luis Poza – and learn more about our Transformative Leadership Minor at or email us at
Lurie College Black Graduate Student Support Group
Hello! I’m Desirae McNeil. I am a Graduate Student Ambassador for Lurie College. It was on my heart to start a community with other Black-identifying grad students together. If you are interested in joining me in creating a space to regularly meet for networking and support, please complete the interest form at
Apply to Participate in Our Lurie College En-Queer-Tros Initiative
We are seeking Lurie College students who are members of the LGBTQIA+ community and want to lead trainings and shape the future of inclusive education within our college! Apply now to become a member of our new En-queer-tros initiative and get paid to use your knowledge, skills, and experience to make Lurie College more queer affirming. Apply at or email Child and Adolescent Development faculty Robert Marx at for more information.
Lurie College Student Presenting at Higher Ed Conference
Congratulations to Child and Adolescent Development and Educational Leadership student Vinson Vũ, whose program proposal “Resilient Superstars: How We Can Support the Futures of Trans+ Young Adults” has been accepted for the 2021 NASPA Western Regional Conference!
Lurie College Faculty Publishes Op-ed Around Advancing Justice and Equity
Shoutout to Communicative Disorders and Sciences faculty Nidhi Mahendra, who recently co-published “Advancing Justice, Equity in the Pipeline to the Professions: Reconfiguring graduate training program admissions is key to foundational change” on the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Leader newsmagazine! Read the op-ed at
Lurie College Reimagines the Future of Education at the Inaugural Learner Design Summit
How do you design inclusive models for teaching and learning? It’s simple: Ask the students.
Last week, the Lurie College held its first Learner Design Summit to launch SJSU’s regional Rapid Education Prototyping (REP4) Alliance.
The REP4 Alliance is a powerful network of regional and national education, industry and technology leaders, led by the six founding higher education partners, including the Lurie College. This alliance brings together diverse learners to develop new ideas for higher education programming using liberatory design principles.
At the summit, a total of 25 local students, including rising 11th and 12th graders, recent high school graduates, community college students and SJSU undergraduates collaborated and designed creative proposals, or “prototypes,” to address existing challenges in the higher education system.
“A prototype is a pitch that students prepare to showcase the needs and solutions that create institutional change,” said Rebeca Burciaga, professor of educational leadership and Chicana and Chicano Studies as well as the faculty executive director of SJSU’s Institute of Emancipatory Education (IEE).
“SJSU student mentors are leading what we call ‘dream teams’ to dream up these ideas. We hope to find ways to incorporate their solutions and perhaps work with campus leaders to make those immediate changes.”
San José State President Mary Papazian kicked off the weeklong event with a message for the Spartan community.
“We believe that initiatives such as emancipatory education and REP4 support the development of equitable and inclusive educational systems that nurture the creativity and brilliance of all learners so that our diverse, democratic society can truly thrive,” she said.
“Collectively, the themes of this work are well-aligned with SJSU’s interests in advancing and transforming our educational systems, which many of us believe are in urgent need of radical change.”
Read the full story on by Julia Halprin Jackson on the SJSU Newsroom blog.
Lurie College Black Graduate Support Group
Watch our Summer 2021 SJSU x REP4 Learner Design Summit
The newly-established Rapid Education Prototyping (REP4) Alliance is a powerful network of regional and national education, industry, and technology leaders, led by the six founding higher education partners, including the SJSU Lurie College of Education. This alliance will create opportunities to bring together diverse learners to codesign new ideas for education using liberatory design principles.
In Summer 2021, we launched this network with a free Learner Design Summit, which is a leadership development opportunity designed to bring together rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students, recent high school graduates, community college students, and SJSU undergraduate students to collaborate and design creative proposals to address existing challenges in the higher education system.
Watch the video above to learn more about the proposals from our student design leaders, who met one another for the first time, came up with and refined their proposals, and presented them to the SJSU President and senior administration within 4 days.
- 0:00 – Welcome from SJSU Lurie College of Education Dean Heather Lattimer
- 3:07 – Intro from Department of Educational Leadership faculty Veneice Guillory-Lacy
- 5:20 – “CC: The Dream (Creating and Continuing the Dream)” by College 2.0
- 11:28 – “Creating Connections” by Creative Connections
- 18:33 – “How Integrating Community and Technology Can Help Students” by Three Trees
- 24:25 – “Elevation Promise” by Equity Ambassadors
- 37:26 – Response by Dean Heather Lattimer
- 38:38 – Remarks by SJSU President Mary Papazian
- 43:43 – Closing remarks by Dean Heather Lattimer
New Spartan Accelerated Graduate Education (SAGE) Programs Coming Fall 2021
Our innovative SAGE in Teacher Education programs create opportunities for SJSU undergraduate students to enroll in Credential and Masters programs while simultaneously completing their final three semesters of their undergraduate degrees. These programs offer SAGE scholars a combined pathway of theory, practice, and K-12 subject matter. The programs integrate these three legs of teaching early and often, and give scholars ample time to assimilate the linkages prior to when they are required to demonstrate understanding and skills through student teaching.
Benefits of Enrolling in a SAGE Program
- Reduced economic barriers to entering into a graduate program
- No application fee for graduate program
- Fewer total units in combined SAGE program than completing each program separately
- Shorter timeline to earning credential and master’s degree
- Enhanced professional development
SAGE Programs Accepting Applications in Fall 2021 for a Spring 2022 Start
- Liberal Studies BA + Multiple Subject Credential + Masters of Arts in Teaching
- Liberal Studies BA + Education Specialist Credential + Masters of Arts in Special Education (mild to moderate and extensive support);
- African American Studies BA + US History Minor + Single Subject Credential + Masters of Arts in Teaching;
- Art BA + Single Subject Credential + Masters of Arts in Teaching;
- Kinesiology BS + Single Subject Credential + Masters of Arts in Teaching; and
- Social Science BA + Single Subject Credential + Masters of Arts in Teaching.
Attend an Upcoming Info Session
Learn more about these programs, including eligibility, requirements, and admissions processes, on the SJSU Catalog’s SAGE webpage and register to attend a summer SAGE Information Session on Monday, July 26, at 9am or Wednesday August 4, at 4pm. More info sessions will be available in Fall.
SJSU x REP4 Learner Design Summit
The newly-established Rapid Education Prototyping (REP4) Alliance is a powerful network of regional and national education, industry, and technology leaders, led by the six founding higher education partners, including the SJSU Lurie College of Education / Institute for Emancipatory Education. This alliance will create opportunities to bring together diverse learners to codesign new ideas for education using liberatory design principles.
In Summer 2021, we will launch this network with a free Learner Design Summit, which is a leadership development opportunity designed to bring together rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students, recent high school graduates, community college students, and SJSU undergraduate students to collaborate and design creative proposals to address existing challenges in the higher education system.
Learn more and apply to participate in the summit – which will take place Monday, July 19 – Thursday, July 22, 9am-1pm – at
K-12 Teaching Academy | Building Culture and Community One Story at a Time
- Abby Almerido | Coordinator, Workforce Development and Organizational Culture | Santa Clara County Office of Education | Twitter: @abbyinprogress
Culture eats strategies for breakfast! Hold an SEL-compass toward stronger working relationships and collaboration by weaving in opportunities for your learners to learn and share about who they are. Leave with a toolkit of activities to try Monday and a deeper understanding of the power of seeing and being seen by others.
Access additional resources and all of our K-12 Teaching Academy webinars at
K-12 Teaching Academy | Freedom Dreaming: Ethnic Studies Teaching in the Secondary Grades
- Julia Duggs | Ethnic Studies teaching candidate | SJSU Lurie College of Education
- Victoria Durán, PhD | Social Science teacher | Overfelt High School
- Marcos Pizarro, PhD | Associate Dean | SJSU Lurie College of Education | Twitter: @sjsulurie
- Luis Poza, PhD | Assistant Professor, Teacher Education | SJSU Lurie College of Education | Twitter: @luisepoza
This presentation brings together SJSU faculty and practicing Ethnic Studies teachers to deepen participants’ understandings of the purposes and core principles of Ethnic Studies teaching alongside examples from classroom practice. Webinar participants will have the opportunity to learn about the documented benefits of Ethnic Studies for students (regardless of racial and ethnic background) as well as specific culturally responsive curriculum activities that afford student agency, community engagement, and meaningful social analysis as part of students’ academic and personal development. Such activities include Youth Participatory Action Research, student counterstories and testimonios, and an in-depth look at a multi-faceted unit of instruction implemented in the 2020-21 academic year that fostered healing, home and community connections, and students’ “freedom dreaming” — collective envisioning of a more just society.
Access additional resources and all of our K-12 Teaching Academy webinars at