K-12 Online Teaching Academy: Basic Literacy in Distance Learning

David Trautman – Twitter: @datraut – Principal at Oneonta Elementary School, and Pa Yang, 1st Grade Teacher at Oneonta Elementary School, led this conversation:

The transition to distance learning was abrupt and we had to adjust quickly. In this session, we’ll share some best practices and lessons learned to support primary literacy using tools such as Seesaw and Google Hangouts.

Intended audience: Those who teach grades K-2.  The slides for this webinar are available via Google Drive.  Additional resources are available via Google Drive

The SJSU Lurie College of Education has established this free K-12 Online Teaching Academy to support pre-service teacher candidates and current teachers to strengthen their online teaching skills and adapt to our current circumstances. Learn more about the academy at sjsu.edu/education/k12-academy

Connect with Lurie College at https://linktr.ee/sjsulurie to receive more news about academic and student life!

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