Meet the Lurie College Student Organizations | ESAN

ESAN (Early Childhood Student Alumni Network) is creating an interdisciplinary group of current pre-service San Jose State University students and alumni working in the Early Childhood field and engages students in the Early Childhood Institute’s mission of supporting each and every child from the start.  Their spring semester meetings will take place:

  • Tuesday, February 11, 3-4pm, SH 446 (SAC Room)
  • Tuesday, March 10, 3-4pm, SH 446 (SAC Room)
  • Tuesday, April 14, 3-4pm, SH 446 (SAC Room)
  • Tuesday, May 12, 3-4pm, SH 446 (SAC Room)

To learn more, attend a meeting or contact at!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Student Organization ESAN Early Childhood Student Alumni Network

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