The LLDSA is pleased to announce the 2014 Linguistics & TESOL Symposium at San José State University, and opens a call for abstracts. This year we welcome presenters from all academic institutions, participation is not restricted to SJSU students. This event will be free and open to the public.
Date: Sept 26th(Fri)
Time: 12:00 noon to 4:00pm
Location: Room 225, MLK Library
Info for presenters
– Subjects: Original research in Linguistics & TESOL.
– Talk length: 20 min. (15 to present, 5 for q&a)
– Abstracts are welcome from all students. A special invitation is made to grads, undergrads, and alumni of SJSU.
– Criteria for selection: Relevance of research, quality of presentation, and balance of topics.
To apply:
– Please email a detailed abstract of your talk, along with your contact information, to Abstract submission deadline: Sep 7th (sun) at midnight.
Please include the following info:
– Your name
– Email address & phone number
– Your academic status (grad, undergrad, alumnus)
– Your focus (LING, TESOL)
– 1-3 sentence synopsis of your talk (for the webpage)
– Your abstract (up to 1 page, word or PDF format)
For more information, please email Also, please visit the LLDSA webpage.
NOTE! The LLDSA will unfortunately not be covering travel costs for presenters this year, and as such it is to be considered a “local” event. If you need financial support in order to participate, please contact to request limited scholarship funding. Thank you for your understanding.