SJSU IT Phishing Awareness Program Starts June 30


Next week, our Information Security Office will begin their Phishing Awareness Program in support of our Technology Recovery Plan, building on our cybersecurity layering strategy.

As part of this program, our staff, faculty, and students will periodically receive simulated phishing emails that imitate real attacks. These emails are designed to create a realistic experience without putting employees or the university at risk for a security breach. Employees who respond to the fake phishing attempts are directed toward training and resources to help them recognize phishing attempts in the future without shaming anybody.  We’ve run this program multiple times over the last few years and the results have been great. The Information Security Office will now operationalize this procedure quarterly because a knowledgeable user base is a strong defense against cybercriminals.

This program is critical because many of our faculty, staff, and students are working and learning remotely, where security safeguards are not as robust as on our campus network.

Faculty and staff were notified about the program in a campus-wide email on April 22 and prior messages. We’ll send out five such email phishing simulations over the next six months, timed to avoid the first two weeks of school, finals, and other critical events on campus, as part of our normal business process.

1. Staff Only: June 30, 2020
2. Staff Only: July 30, 2020
3. Faculty & Staff: September TBD
4. Students Only: October TBD
5. Faculty & Staff: November TBD

SJSU IT will redact the identifying information on those that responded and offer security training for departments with higher susceptibility rates. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,
Bob Lim