Critical Google Chrome Update

Dear Campus Colleagues,

I’m emailing to make you aware of a recent critical security update to Google’s Chrome Browser. We recommend updating to the newest version as soon as possible. 

Google has designed Chrome to self-update, but you’ll need to push the “Update” button to complete the process. It’s located in the top right hand corner of your browser window and looks like this:

If you do not use the “Update” button, here’s how to manually update your Chrome browser to version 99.0.4844.84.

How to Update Chrome Browser Manually

  1. Open Chrome Browser and navigate to Help → About Google Chrome
  2. Chrome should immediately check for updates on its own and begin downloading and installing. Once complete, click the Relaunch button and confirm you are now running 99.0.4844.84.

  3. Repeat step 1 and verify that the update has successfully installed.

We strongly encourage you to do this on every device you own to ensure that your data is kept secure from this vulnerability. Many other web browsers work on a similar architecture to Chrome, so we encourage you to check the update status of whatever browser you’re using and make sure your software is current.

As always, SJSU IT is available to provide whatever assistance you may need. The SJSU IT Service Desk is available online, by phone at (408) 924-1530, or via email at

Thank you,
Bob Lim

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