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SJSU College of Information, Data and Society Applauds the School of Information for Winning Silver at The Anthem Awards 2024

November 27th, 2024 by Elaine Hall

Anthem Award Winner 2024 San José, CA — The San José State University College of Information, Data and Society is proud to celebrate the outstanding achievement of the SJSU School of Information (iSchool) as its XR VOICES (Virtual Oases for Inclusive Cultural Exchange and Sanctuary) project earned the Silver Award at The Anthem Awards 2024, which is second place in the highly competitive Digital and Innovation Experiences category, a testament to the iSchool’s leadership in using cutting-edge technology to amplify diverse voices and perspectives. Sponsored by the Webby Awards, the Anthem Award is focused on community impact, and the SJSU iSchool’s XR Voices entry was selected from among 2,300 entries submitted from over 30 countries. Other winners include Sesame Street, the MET, the Smithsonian, NAACP, etc.

The XR VOICES project, an innovative extended reality storytelling initiative, resulted from a remarkable collaborative effort. In an inspiring acceptance speech, available here, the iSchool team shared their excitement: “WE DID IT :)!” This recognition highlights the iSchool’s commitment to driving technological innovation in ways that empower and connect communities.


The SJSU iSchool is a global leader in the development of browser-based virtual reality spaces and won the award based on three VR spaces:

  1. Seeking Immortality: Meet and learn about the Northern Cheyenne Tribe’s land, people, language, culture, stories, and traditions in browser-based VR.
  2. Children Draw War, Not Flowers: Learn from children all across Ukraine how they are experiencing the war with Russia and have used art to express themselves and also teach us through their eyes what the war is doing to them, their families and their culture. Let the children speak.
  3. Freedom to Read: Learn about the history of book banning in the US, meet some of the national partners like the American Library Association, Books Unbanned (founded by Brooklyn Public Library) and Little Free Library, who are leading the fight, hear passages from banned books read to you, meet teens who share their stories and desire to read freely, and gain access to the Books Unbanned digital card where teens and young adults can gain access to almost all banned books digitally for free.

Teamwork and Collaboration

The success of XR VOICES would not have been possible without the tireless contributions of an exceptional team, including support from strategic partners Chief Dull Knife College and Little Free Library. Special thanks go to John Macleod and Timothy B. with XR Libraries; iSchool Graduate Student Assistants Kelly Rausch, Anna Lyons, Sara Clair and Michele Atwater; iSchool Professor Darra Hofman and Assistant Professor Ulia Gosart; SJSU LTI Lab Coordinator Alfredo Alcantar; and Chase Allgood, for their extraordinary work to the project. 

The College also recognizes the essential contributions of iSchool Director Dr. Anthony Chow, whose leadership and vision continue to guide the iSchool toward bold innovation and impactful initiatives.

Leadership and Support

The iSchool’s recognition at The Anthem Awards reflects the strength of the broader SJSU community. The College also extends its gratitude to SJSU President Cynthia Teniente-Matson, Brooklyn Public Library Chief Librarian Nicholas Higgins, Little Free Library Board President Nancy Wulkan, Texas student leader and advocate Da’Taeveyon Daniels, and grass dancer and representative of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe and Chief Dull Knife tribal college student Sodizin MedicineBull for their support and involvement in the acceptance speech, showcasing the unity and vision that underpins this achievement. View their acceptance speech.

A Beacon of Innovation

The Anthem Awards celebrate groundbreaking and purpose-driven work, and XR VOICES stands as a shining example of how digital innovation can advance inclusivity and understanding. This award affirms the SJSU School of Information’s leadership in integrating emerging technologies into transformative educational experiences.

For more details about XR VOICES and The Anthem Awards, visit Anthem Awards 2024.

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