Ten Tips to Succeed in Grad School

Graduate school is an adventure. In grad school, you learn and grow, discover new skills and make long lasting connections. Whether you’re a new or returning student, check out our list of top tips to make sure you make the best of your graduate education. 

Schedule and organize

You will be busy – to stay on top of everything and not overwhelm yourself, it’s best to stay organized. Figure out a system that works the best for you and follow it. 

Find time to go outside 

Classes, studying and working on your research will take a lot of time and keep you inside. Make sure to give yourself some time to go outside, enjoy nature and get some exercise. Looking for inspiration on where to go? Check out our 5 Best Outdoorsy Locations Near SJSU.

Take advantage of the school resources  

Everybody needs a bit of support sometimes – don’t hesitate to ask for help! SJSU is on your side no matter what and has many resources available to help you succeed. 

Find your favorite study spots

There are so many on campus locations to choose from. Do you prefer a quiet nook in the library or a busy cafe? This author’s favorite spot is the top floor of a Library – quiet and comfy, while offering amazing views of the campus.

Make copies 

Some students prefer to read class assignments on a paper copy vs on screen. If that’s you, make copies of important documents in your first couple weeks of school to have them ready.  

Have a good work setup at home 

Make sure you have a good setup – a comfortable workspace, ideally with limited distractions. 

Refresh your writing skills

Graduate school requires a lot of writing. If you feel nervous about this, refresh your writing skills by visiting the Writing Center and attend a tutoring session or one of their writing workshops. 

Build connections 

A big part of graduate education is networking – building connections in your professional and private life. You will meet so many amazing people at SJSU! Not sure where to start? Check out the student organizations. 

Take care of your mental health

Mental Health is a key to success. Take care of it and don’t let the stress get to you. Need some help? SJSU CAPS has got you covered. 

Last, have fun!

Enjoy your time at graduate school! All you need to do is take care of yourself and stay on top of your tasks – and you will have a great time. 

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