Has your office experienced a reorganization, department name or location change? If so, and to ensure mail and packages are properly delivered in a timely manner by Distribution Services, please review the Campus Extended Zip Codes webpage to see if the correct information is reflected for your department. If the delivery information is incorrect or missing from the list, please complete the Campus Extended Zip Code Request form to update extended zips with Distribution Services. If you have any questions, please contact Sonja Bowsky at sonja.bowsky@sjsu.edu or 4-1592.
Tag Archives: Campus Extended Zip
Campus Extended Zip Codes
Has your office experienced a reorganization, department name or location change? If so, and to ensure mail and packages are properly delivered in a timely manner by Distribution Services, please review the Campus Extended Zip Codes webpage to see if the correct information is reflected for your department. If the delivery information is incorrect or missing from the list, please email corrections or new entries to Sonja Bowsky, Distribution Services Manager, at sonja.bowsky@sjsu.edu .