FTS Notifications

We are investigating an issue in FTS related to notifications not being delivered to Approvers and Requesters.  This intermittent issue does not prevent users from entering requests, submitting them for approval or approving them in FTS. As we work to resolve the problem:

  • Approvers should review their pending requests under the Items Pending Approval in FTS.
  • Requesters can monitor pending approval requests by using the search feature (magnifying glass).

Please share this message with any staff or faculty you feel should be notified. We will update you when the problem is resolved.

Figure 1: Click on image to enlarge.


ProCard/GoCard Workshop Zoom Session

We are having a ProCard/GoCard Workshop on Friday, April 22nd from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. via Zoom.

New and current cardholders are encouraged to attend when they need assistance or have questions about the ProCard/GoCard. If you are interested in joining the session, you’ll need to register by 5pm on Thursday, April 21st. Please keep in mind the first 30 minutes of the workshop will provide an overview of the reconciliation. After the overview, the workshop is opened for cardholders to ask questions or seek assistance in completing their reconciliation.