The California State Attorney General announced the addition of four states to Assembly Bill 1887, the law restricting the funding or sponsoring of state business travel to states with discriminatory laws. San Jose State University (SJSU) will use the announcement date of June 22, 2017 to put into effect the travel restrictions to the additional states. The new states are:
- Alabama
- Kentucky
- South Dakota
- Texas
The original four states are:
- Kansas
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- Tennessee
As of January 1, 2017, the CSU Travel Policy and Procedures has been revised to comply with Assembly Bill 1887, which added Section 11139.8 to the Government Code relating to discrimination and was approved by the governor in September, 2016. As a result of this law, it has been determined that SJSU and its auxiliaries, will be restricted from requiring employees to travel to certain states, and are prohibited from approving funding or sponsoring travel to those states with laws enacted to void or repeal discrimination protections, or, to authorize or require discrimination.
Exceptions to the prohibitions that may be granted, and of note to SJSU and its auxiliaries, include the following (see SJSU Travel Guide for the complete list):
- To meet contractual obligations incurred before January 1, 2017.
- To participate in meetings or training required by a grant or required to maintain grant funding.
- For the protection of public health, welfare, or safety, as determined by the CSU or other state agencies.
The list of affected states is maintained on the California State Attorney General website, State of California Department of Justice. Travelers and approvers are required to check the website when planning out-of-state travel.
If you have any questions, please contact:
- Gail Finney, Director, Finance Support at 408-924-1683 or by email
- FinanceConnect at 408-924-1558 or by email