FTS Travel Enhancement- Field Lockdown

As we announced at the Fall 2012 What’s Up Finance? presentation in September, some significant changes were being made to FTS regarding Travel Authorization and Reimbursement fields that are open to modification after the Traveler has submitted a request. In order to comply with CSU Travel Procedures and Regulations, Number G-001, requirement that a Traveler’s submission “must be the final entry in the submission”, an enhancement was necessary to restrict the number of fields Reviewers/Approvers could modify.

We have finalized this task in FTS and Reviewers/Approvers will be limited to modifying the following fields:

Travel Authorization

  1. Amount Authorized
  2. Funding Source/Chartfields

Travel Reimbursement

  1. Amount Approved
  2. Funding Source/Chartfields

Please note-

  • Reviewers/Approvers who modify the above fields will be prompted to enter an explanation for the change when selecting an Action in the Approval Routing section of the request.
  • The Traveler and Requester will receive email notification when the Amount Authorized or Amount Approved field has been changed by Reviewers/Approvers.
  • Finally, Reviewers/Approvers who wish for changes to be made to other (locked) fields in the Travel Authorization or Reimbursement should Return the request to the Traveler. The Traveler can then revise it accordingly and resubmit it for approval.

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