Alison Bridger

Alison Bridger Portrait

Professor Emeritus, Meteorology and Climate Science. (Photo by: David Schmitz/San José State University)

Alison Bridger is a professor emeritus in the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science. Her research focuses on large-scale atmospheric dynamics (Earth and Mars) and numerical prediction. She holds a doctoral degree in atmospheric science from Colorado State University.

Phone: 408-924-5206
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Eugene Cordero

Eugene Cordero Portrait

Professor, Meteorology and Climate Science. (Photo by: David Schmitz/San José State University)

Eugene Cordero is a professor in the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science. He is the founder and director of the Green Ninja Project, an educational initiative that supports teachers and their students with digital media and curricula designed around climate science and solutions. His research focuses on understanding the processes responsible for long-term changes in climate through the use of observations and atmospheric models. He holds a doctoral degree from the University of California, Davis.

Phone: 408-924-5188
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Climate Change, Education, Environment, Global Warming, Governance, K-12 Education, Meteorology, Science, Weather