Person of the month: July

For July, we decided to focus on Bill Gates and all the inspiring work he and his wife have done globally. We incorporated a lot of his famous quotes and lines to inspire many SJSU students who walk past the bulletin board. He is the first person in this series and we hope we captured the greatness that is him. We have gotten many compliments and feedback from students and faculty about this project series and how much they enjoy it. We hope you enjoy it!

eCampus Marketing

eCampus Marketing.

The eCampus crew was out last Monday to market the new adobe promotion. For those that don’t know, if you are a current SJSU student and are enrolled in a class you are eligible to get the Adobe Creative Cloud Program for free. We were set up right in front of the Student Union and talked to a lot of students about our department and what we have to offer.

Many students really enjoyed the fact that we have workshops that compliment the adobe applications. For example on Septemeber 25th we have the, “Getting Started with Adobe Premiere Pro” workshop where students can get a stronger understanding of Premiere and pick up some tricks and tips to better enhance their skills.

We enjoyed meeting with the students and faculty and we encourage you to follow our social media.




Our next marketing day will be sometime in mid-October so keep an eye out for us.