Rashmi Kumari is a Graduate student who’s majoring in Computer Engineering. She specializes in Data Science and is expected to graduate in Spring, 2020. When I first met Rashmi, I was taken aback by her kindness and willingness to learn. She has been an eCampus Student Assistant for a little over 4 months now and has been an incredible addition to the team. When she first started, eCampus was going through its turnover period. Many of our talented Student Assistants got full-time opportunities at companies they love. As she was being trained by previous Student Assistants, I noticed her attention to detail and passion for helping others.
She currently handles helping the 40,000+ SJSU students, faculty and staff with all things related to instructional tools, Adobe software, Canvas and so much more. Rashmi says, “I help the faculty and students with all kinds of queries they have about instructional software’s eCampus has to offer and also resolve issues related to all them”. Anybody that knows Rashmi knows she loves to help people and helping others overcome their issues brings her joy. Her favorite part about her job is that “you get to meet so many new people and you solve their issues and lower their frustration. The sigh of relief and that smile that comes up on the faces, I strive for that”.
When I asked her what she wanted to do after graduation she said, “I want to work for one of my dream companies as a Software Engineer and make my parents proud. I also want to travel to places and learn to cook the most famous dishes every city offers”. She states that her dream job should provide her a platform where she can work on projects that help deal with issues like poverty, hunger, education and so much more.
When she is not helping people and being awesome, she is found cooking for her friends and family and in her Zumba sessions. She believes dancing relieves the stress she gets from being a Graduate Student. I am lucky to be working with Rashmi and I know that she will continue to do great things for STEM and the world.