Reflection: Women’s History Month


As March comes to an end, we reflect on the importance of Women’s Day and Women’s month. When the month first started I knew that I would be tasked with illustrating some incredible women for #Women’sDay2019. For this task, I wanted to make sure I was being inclusive and diverse with my pickings. It was incredibly important to me that the women I put up reflected the campus demographic. I decided to illustrate Dr. Maya Angelou, Dr. Roxane Gay, Dolores Huerta, and Amy Tan.

I spoke with the women in my life about Women’s Month and what it means to them. I noticed some common themes that showed up across the many discussions I had. Many believe the month symbolizes awareness to the inequality women face and others see it as hope and encouragement for a better tomorrow. It is imperative we look at the history of inequality in this country and learn from it so change can come about. Many of the women illustrated in the poster fought for that change and many continue to do so.

I am incredibly blessed to be working with and know such innovative and inspiring women. They continue to motivate and uplift me and I hope I do the same for them. I am also blessed to be in a position where I can change the narrative of ‘leaders’ portrayed and illustrate a more inclusive group that represents the campus demographic. I hope you enjoyed seeing the piece and I urge you to create a change within yourself, others and your community.


2 thoughts on “Reflection: Women’s History Month

  1. Teddy, your illustrations are awesome!!! I’m so glad to see it here, but I think it should be larger! Anyone who doesn’t want to miss it, should come to the IRC second floor to see it in person!