Looking for Grad Courses?

If you are an international graduate student struggling to enroll in 9 units, here are a few suggestions:

I New sections added today:1. CS 286 Sec 3 TR at 6:30 MH 222 Game Development Project

2. CS 200W sec 4 MW 10 in SCI 311

3. CS 257 sec 2 MW 7:30 in MH 233 (database)

II You can also take computer engineering courses. They too are full, so getting in isn’t guaranteed. Here’s a link for add codes CmpE Add Codes

III You can also take undergraduate courses. In fact, you can take any course you can get into anywhere in this university or other local universities (Santa Clara, East Bay, etc.) The only catch is that you will need your advosir’s approval to have these courses count toward your MS degree.



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