COMM Social Media Featured in SJSU Report

Kudos to Dr. Ted Coopman and his COMM Social Media Team! The university’s August report on retention and graduation initiatives sent to the CSU Chancellor’s Office highlighted two new features in the COMM Central Network, Campus Services on the COMM Central Canvas site and recent additions to the COMM YouTube Channel.

Here’s what was included in the report. Check it out!

COMM 111P (Interviewing students) researched and reported on various services on campus. Professor Stephanie Coopman edited those reports this summer and they now are posted on the department’s online homeroom, COMM Central. Here’s the link.

Communication Studies also has a YouTube channel to which we’ve been steadily adding content, such as the Meet a Major Video Series, the 2014 COMM graduation, and brief informational videos about SJSU that we added this summer, such as SJSU Studies. Here’s the link.


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