Funding Alert: SJSU Research Foundation Office of Sponsored Programs – Information Services

by SJSU Research Foundation Office of Sponsored Programs

SJSU Research Foundation Office of Sponsored Programs – Information Services

Sponsor: USDE – Department of Education
Deadline: 4/12/2013
Deadline Note: N/A
Program Title: Carol M. White Physical Education Program
URL:,;jsessionid=TnTLRnFG! xKphTCyDMKsKnw3n03BCfQvw9Tz2pTVcPvNJ3q0nsQWV!-2129049045?oppId=222674&mode=VIEW

Funding Description:
Notice seeking applications to initiate, expand, and improve physical education for students in grades K-12. Grant recipients must implement programs that help students make progress toward meeting State physical education standards.

This funding opportunity has been categorized under the following keywords:
Elementary or Secondary Education
Health Care
Physical Education
High School Education
Middle School Education
Nutrition or Dietetics
Health and Safety Education !
Secondary Education
Health Literacy
Elementary Education

If you cannot access the URL guidelines above, please reply to this email or call 924-1437. Please reference Funding Alert #21700 in your reply.

If you are interested in applying to this program, please contact your Sponsored Programs Manager, Angela Mercado , at 408-924-1400 .

Disclaimer Statement: SJSURF Funding Alerts are provided for informational purposes to assist with faculty proposal plans. Opportunities are chosen from a larger pool of funding opportunities and are not intended to be all encompassing. Every effort is made to ensure that information is! accurate and timely. Please note, however, that this information is subject to change by the sponsors without notice and that posted deadlines may be imminent.

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