A volunteer stocks a Student Food Shelve at SJSU, where students with food insecurity can pick up canned and dry goods.
Photo by Muhamed Causevic
Food insecurity is a real issue at San Jose State. SJSU Associated Student President LooLoo Amante shared her story this summer about struggling when she first arrived on campus.
According to Tovah Feldmanstern, who works in Counseling and Psychological Services at SJSU, 1 in 3 SJSU students say that it is often or sometimes true that they were hungry but didn’t eat because there wasn’t enough money for food and 1 in 3 SJSU students also say that it is often or sometimes true that they had to choose between food and living expenses such as rent, transportation or utilities.
To support students, the Academic Affairs Division Staff Appreciation Breakfast theme this year is “Full-Circling Giving.” Faculty, staff and administrators are encouraged to make a donation to the SJSU Food for Students Fund.
To learn more about free and low-cost food sources on and off campus, visit sjsu.edu/food.
Faculty, staff and administrators can also volunteer to help with a variety of programs including food shelves, the breakfast club, the community garden or the Student Hunger Committee. They can also help by sharing information about the resources with students.
Food shelves
Food shelves are self-service and no registration is required of students. They are asked to complete an anonymous survey every time they use the pantry.
Where are they located?
ACCESS Center (Clark 240)
VITAL Student Veterans (Clark 240)
Associated Students (1st Floor Fireside Room)
Business Success Center (BBC 008)
Career Center (Check-in area)
Child Development Center (460 S. 8th St.)
College of Science Advising (Duncan 213)
Counseling and Psychological Services CAPS (Wellness Center)
International Gateways (IS 227)
School of Social Work (WSQ Room 215)
Student Housing (Inquire with your RA)
Are you interested in having a food resource location in your department? Questions? Contact Elizabeth Agramont-Justiniano, Food Pantry Program Assistant, at elizabeth.agramont-justiniano@sjsu.edu or call (408)924-4125.
The Breakfast Club
Breakfast is available in the form of bagels and pastries provided at Peer Connections in the Student Services Center, room 600 at the 9th St. Parking Garage Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Community Garden
Students can access fresh fruits and vegetables at the A.S. Community Garden located at 372 E. San Salvador, across from Joe West. Sign-up online at govoluntr.com/events/2049
Contact Mark Batcheler at mark.batcheler@sjsu.edu.
Brought to you by the Student Hunger Committee
Mission Statement:
To address food insecurity within our campus community, in efforts to empower SJSU students to succeed academically.
The committee is comprised of members from Associated Students, Counseling Services, current SJSU students, University Chapel, Financial Aid, Housing, Spartan Shops, Student Affairs, Student Health Center, and University Advancement.
Interested in joining? Contact Tova Feldmanstern at tova.feldmanstern@sjsu.edu