Editor’s Note: This message was sent to all faculty and staff on Jan. 22, 2019.
Dear Colleagues,
Last fall, SJSU began a strategic planning initiative that will culminate in a strategic blueprint to guide us in our journey through the next decade. Students, faculty and staff joined together in this critical work by participating in a series of Campus Conversations last fall.
We will be launching the next phase of strategic planning on February 9 at 11:30am with a campus forum in the Diaz-Compean Student Union Ballroom.
At the February 9 event, the campus community will hear from President Papazian and the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, who will outline the steps we have taken so far and present five draft goals.
Immediately after this presentation, we will be hosting lunch and a Campus Conversation. All attendees will discuss what ideas might be added or better explained in the draft goals and what action items might arise from the goals. Click here to RSVP for the lunch and visit sjsu.edu/strategicplan for updates on the process.
Thank you,
Andy Feinstein
Co-Chair, Strategic Planning Steering Committee
Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Stefan Frazier
Co-Chair, Strategic Planning Advisory Committee
Chair of the Academic Senate