Faculty Tenure and Promotion: John Delacruz

John Delacruz

John Delacruz

John Delacruz

Tenure and Promotion to associate professor

Years at SJSU: 6

Department: Journalism and Mass Communications

RSCA focus: High-impact learning and teaching strategies, experiential learning spaces, service learning and mentorship, specifically focused on pedagogy as it relates to creative disciplines.

Associate Professor John Delacruz balances his scholarly research on learning and teaching in creative disciplines with his own creative work in photography and printmaking. He has published articles in print and online journals such as the Mentoring Society, the Journal of International Higher Education Teaching and Learning, and Design Incubation.

In his advertising courses, he brings environmentally-focused small businesses and nonprofits into the classroom so students can work with them on developing campaigns and storytelling. The highlight of his time at SJSU is seeing students at the beginning of the process unaware, or having little engagement, with the environmental issues and at the end of the semester realizing that they work they do with clients has a real impact on the world.

“Be curious—about everything,” Delacruz advises students. “Be interested—in everything. Read, listen, learn, discuss all manners of subjects—from current affairs to tech to science to soap operas. Explore the world outside your comfort zone.”

Note: Congratulations to the 43 faculty members who received tenure and/or promotion for 2018-19. We have invited each faculty member to participate in a series of posts profiling their teaching, service, and research, scholarship and creativity activities. Those faculty who opted to participate will be featured throughout the fall semester on the Academic Spotlight blog and the digital sign in the Administration Building lobby.

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