Faculty Tenure and Promotion: Ann Agee

Ann Agee

Ann Agee

Ann Agee

Tenure and promotion to associate librarian

Years at SJSU: 10

Department: University library

RSCA focus: Information literacy instruction and collection development

Associate Librarian Ann Agee is currently co-chair of SJSU’s “Digital Polarization: Promoting Online Civic Literacy Initiative,” an effort to help college students distinguish between credible information and misinformation online. This is just the latest research that Agee has been involved in around information literacy. She has previously published articles on the topic related to the working world as well as how to use rubrics to assess information literacy skills. Agee has also promoted alternative instructional materials for students that can be more affordable then the high cost of textbooks.

In addition to her research and scholarly efforts, Agee has served on the Accessible Technology Initiative: Instructional materials team, the Assessment Facilitation Committee, the Undergraduate Studies Committee and the University Library Board.

She serves as the library liaison for the School of Information, the School of Management, and the School of Information Systems and Technology. Throughout her career, her favorite time on campus has been “any time spent working with students.”

Note: Congratulations to the 43 faculty members who received tenure and/or promotion for 2017-18. We have invited each faculty member to participate in a series of posts profiling their teaching, service, and research, scholarship and creativity activities. Those faculty who opted to participate will be featured throughout the fall semester on the Academic Spotlight blog and the digital sign in the Administration Building lobby.


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