SJSU and Kyushu University Celebrate 10 Years of English Program

Kyushu Univeristy students hold up certificates after completing English-language courses at San Jose State University.

Kyushu Univeristy students hold up certificates after completing English-language courses at San Jose State University.

Kyushu University of Japan will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its Silicon Valley English Program on Sept. 22, from 4-9:30 p.m., in the Student Union meeting room 2 (second floor). The university has partnered with San Jose State University to offer English-language instruction for the past eight years, with more than 770 Japanese students participating in intensive four-week programs.

Coordinated through the College of International and Extended Studies’ International Gateways, students visit SJSU for four weeks to gain English language skills along with relevant insight into American culture with homestays, visits to local companies and interactions with SJSU’s full-time students.

The event is open to the public and will include student presentations along with lectures from Kyushu University faculty members Professors Kiyoshi Toko and Chihaya Adachi. Special guests who are anticipated to attend include the Deputy Consul General Shoichi Nagayoshi, of the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco, and Kyushu University President Dr. Chiharu Kubo.

For more information on SJSU’s International Gateways, visit

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