Updated: Learn About Research Commons at Library Open Forum

Open Forum Flier

Open Forum Flier

University Library Dean Tracy Elliott invited campus community members to an open forum on Sept. 21, from 9 to 11 a.m. in MLK 225. The event featured guest speaker Meris Mandernach, an associate professor and head of research services at Ohio State University. Mandernach shared her experiences in establishing the OSU Research Commons. She will share how they created collaborations with other departments on campus that support research, scholarship and creative activity for faculty and students.

Following the presentation, Mandernach participated in a question and answer session with the audience.
A recording of the open forum is now available for viewing via WebEx.
Discussions on ways the university library can collaborate will continue between library faculty and staff, the Office of Research, the Center for Faculty Development, and the Research Foundation. For more info or for questions, email Dean Elliott at tracy.elliott@sjsu.edu.

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