Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering Dean Andrew Hsu Resigns

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering Dean Andrew Hsu will be leaving San Jose State at the end of June to take on the role of provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at The University of Toledo, in Ohio.

We will soon commence a national search for his successor. In the meantime, I congratulate Dean Hsu on his new opportunity, thank him for his outstanding service, and acknowledge his many accomplishments.

Since joining SJSU as the Don Beall Dean of the Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering in February 2013, Dean Hsu has been a strong proponent of the college’s unique role as the leading provider of engineering talent to Silicon Valley. Under his leadership, the college developed a five-year strategic plan that focuses on student success, teaching innovation, research and industry partnerships. The enrollment in engineering grew by 50 percent during the last three years and the college is now the largest engineering program in California. He has been a supporter of initiatives to increase diversity in STEM fields, and implemented several programs to promote student success.

Under his leadership, the college has developed new partnerships with Silicon Valley industries and private donors that have resulted in $6 million in donations, including endowments that support three industry chair professorships and the Carolyn Guidry Endowed Chair in Engineering Education. The alumni outreach initiative that Dean Hsu led is seeing great results in engagement activities through two new alumni committees. These connections have helped to foster a culture of research, scholarship and creative activity for students and faculty in the college, especially through organized research and training units such as the Silicon Valley Big Data and Cybersecurity Center and the Service Engineering Center.

We will be back in touch regarding plans to celebrate Andrew’s service to SJSU, and I will begin a consultation process to develop a leadership transition plan for the college.


Andy Feinstein

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

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