Students and faculty returned to classes this fall with new furniture, white boards and Mecho shades in more than 100 of the most used classrooms on campus. The upgrades were supported by Academic Affairs through its
21st Century Teaching and Learning Spaces priority.
Timothy Brown, a lecturer who teaches a course on compensation and rewards for the Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, was pleased with the update to his classroom in BBC 021.
“I had students faced with a setting sun shining in their eyes during the Fall semester (last year),” he said, via email. “Thanks to newly installed blinds, we won’t face that problem this semester.”
The way his classroom is set up, students face west toward the front of the classroom where the setting sun shone through windows on two doors.
Over the summer, nearly 100 classrooms received new and updated furniture; new whiteboards were installed in 36 classrooms; 56 classrooms received new shades such as the one in Brown’s class; and fixed seating was upgraded in five lecture classrooms. Working in partnership with Academic Technology, 36 classrooms also received technology updates. More improvements are slated for the coming year.
- New shades were installed in BBC 021 during the summer.
- Nearly 100 classrooms received near furniture over the summer.
- Floors and seats were refinished in Washington Square 109.