Assigned Time System Update: Open for Data Entry

Thank you for your patience as we worked to resolve the Assigned Time System issues. After troubleshooting with the IT team, IR has resolved the issues employees entering data were experiencing last week. Designated employees are now able to enter and approve assigned time into the system by logging in using the Assigned Time webpage. If you do not have access to the system, please submit an Access Request Form. Reminders:

  1. All Chair approval must be completed prior to college level approval.
  2. All assigned time must be approved at both the department and college level to move forward to division approval.

Departments should refer to their dean’s office for any internal reporting deadlines. Please note that all assigned time entries must be entered and approved by the dean no later than Friday, September 9, 2022.

For any further technical issues, please contact IR directly at For questions about assigned time codes, review the Assigned Time Codes and Instructions or contact

Fall 2022 Assigned Time Reporting

The Assigned Time Data Entry System is now open for Fall 2022. Employees responsible for entering and approving time may log in via the Institutional Research Assigned Time webpage.  For those who are responsible for assigned time reporting but cannot access the system, please request access by filling out the Access Request Form.

Departments should refer to their dean’s office for any internal reporting deadlines. Please note that all assigned time entries must be entered and approved by the dean no later than Friday, September 9, 2022.


Updates to Assigned Time Codes

The descriptions of several assigned time codes have been updated for clarity.

Please visit the Assigned Time Codes and Instructions for more details.

For questions and concerns, please contact

Vacant Rate Increase

University Vacant Rate is a budgeted salary range for the cost of hiring temporary faculty to cover instruction normally assigned to a tenure track faculty who have been released from instructional assignments.  The current rate of $6,578 for a 3 WTU (or 0.2 FTEF/semester) will increase to $6,838 in light of the recent contractual salary increases effective July 1, 2022.

Please refer to the Provost’s Office website for additional information.

If you have any questions, please contact

Spring 2022 Assigned Time Reporting

This message is for Department Admins, Chairs, Deans, and Associate Deans.

The Assigned Time System is now open for spring 2022.  To log in, please visit
Users who are responsible for assigned time reporting but unable to log in may request access using this form:

Departments should refer to their dean’s office for internal reporting deadlines.  Please note that all assigned time entries must be entered and approved by the dean no later than Tuesday, February 15, 2022.

Please contact for questions or concerns.


Important Dates

January 26……………………………First Day of Instruction
February 7……………………………Last Day to Drop Courses
February 14………………………….Last Day to Add Courses
February 22………………………….Enrollment Census Date