Adapted Travel Process Google Form No Longer Required

This is a reminder to all AAD personnel that the travel restrictions issued previously by the CSU Chancellor’s Office were lifted effective 6/1/2021. With this being said, departments will no longer need to use the Google form “Adapted Travel Process for Presidential Approval” for domestic travel.

All travel, unless otherwise indicated, will be conducted as it was prior to COVID restrictions. Domestic travel will need to be approved by the dean as the highest approval level. Please note that some states are prohibited to travel to. You can find those states here.

International travel will still need to be approved at the presidential level as it has been done in the past in FTS. Remember, there is a list of countries currently considered high-risk.  Please consult the CSURMA High Hazardous Country List and also review each country’s current COVID-19 risk.

Important: If an employee had submitted a travel authorization for virtual travel which has now become actual travel, a new travel authorization must be resubmitted in FTS. For further information on this and other travel questions, please refer to the COVID Travel FAQ.

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