Rivas, Mario (Desktop Support) is Stepping Beyond

“Whenever I’m in trouble, Super Mario is always there to help. Mario is great at saving the day for many of the Finance employees. He is always happy and quick to assist us. He is constantly making everyone’s life easier by fixing any issues that occur. SJSU is very lucky to have Mario.” –Thao Leung

“Mario Rivas has been exceptionally helpful during the purchase and implementation of a new tracking system, especially creative in coming up with ways for me to use the system. I have been incredibly responsive to questions and “how do I” requests. In addition to being helpful, creative and responsive, Mario carries with him a bundle of “Yes, I can do that” and “Wouldn’t it be more helpful if you…” energy, along with suggestions and ideas to make work that much easier/efficient. He does it with a smile no matter how busy he is and I appreciate that tremendously!” –Sonja Bowsky

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