Returning Resident Process

The Returning Resident Process and Application is now open. Residents who want to live in Housing for 2020-2021 MUST complete the application and pay the $600 initial payment by Thursday, March 12th at 5 PM. If you or residents have questions, please direct all questions to the Housing Office either in person, or email, or call at 408-795-5600.

No Show Desk Coverage Protocol

Please do not leave the desk unattended until at least one person arrives for the next scheduled shift, we do expect to have 2 people at each desk during each shift however, sometimes that is not the case.  If the next scheduled OA(s) donot arrive and there will be no one at the desk, contact the nearest OA Front Desk(s) and request one of their staff come relieve you of the position. Below is a chart of desks you should call by community.

If your replacement staff member(s) do not arrive then contact the RA on Duty and request them to relieve you of the position.

You are REQUIRED to email the Front Desk Team when you have to stay late to cover a shift, indicating the date, shift which the other staff did not show up for, and name of staff member which did not show up.

If moved to another desk please email the FDT to let us know of your new desk assignment.

Building 1st Call 2nd Call 3rd Call

Time Off Requests

We are getting a lot of last minute unpaid time off requests.  We wanted to remind you of the process for unpaid time off:

    • Time off needed in excess of 24 hours
    • Need to be submitted in WIW with at least 7 days advanced notice
    • Requests can be submitted via When I Work with a reason for approval (requests without a reason will not be approved)
    • During time off you do not need to maintain your 3 full nights availability requirement
    • Holiday time off approval is limited during holidays for operational needs
      • Thanksgiving Break, Spring Break, etc. 
    • Needs to be approved by Front Desk Team before student(s) can be excused from shifts for those days
    • Requests will be process during UHS business hours (requested submitted over the weekend will not be approved)
      • Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

No Time Off Request is guaranteed until it is approved by the FDT.




Room Change Process

Sometimes our OA’s get asked questions about items they don’t know the answer to.  At this time, we wanted to inform you of the Room Change Process if any residents asks for assistance.

Room Changes are available between January 27-February 6.  The resident needs to email the Residential Life Coordinator (RLC) for their building to request a room change. It is quite simple!


Cleaning Process

As a quick reminder OA’s are expected to keep the front desk cleanly and in order. There is a cleaning log in the OA shared drive to reference on when to clean and what to clean. Make sure you are checking the log every other day. We’ll send reminders for the first two weeks to help everyone remember.
Some notes:
  • Please clean and leave the desk how you want to find it next time you arrive to your next shift. We want to maintain a professional environment and a clean desk is paramount to this.
  • There are not small trash cans at each desk, but there are trash cans in every lobby. Utilize these trash cans.”  “There are no small trash cans at each desk, but there are trash cans in every lobby. Utilize these when removing litter.
  • In the cleaning log there is a page for every desk, please fill the log out properly.
Lastly, if you are running low on cleaning supplies, please contact us so we can replenish them. Happy cleaning and welcome back.