Events 2014 Vol. 2

For all events in the College of Humanities and the Arts, please visit our events calendar.

April 4San Jose State Opera Theater and Collegium Musicum Matinee “L’Ormindo. 7:30pm, at the San Jose Women’s Club. Also on April 6 at 2:30 pm.

April 8: Department of Design’s lecture featuring Ash Huang, designer at Pinterest, 5-6pm in Art 133.

April 9: Jazz Combo. 7:30pm in the Music Concert Hall.

April 10-12, 17-19: Company One. 7pm in SPX 219.

April 11-12: Persian Studies Conference. Registration here.
SJSU Persian Studies, with the generous support of the Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute. Three featured events by faculty in Humanities and the Arts include:

  • April 11, 7pm @ Le Petit Trianon: The world-premiere of “Inja o Oonja: Stories from Iranian American Life” – a staged adaptation by Matthew Spangler of three short stories from Tremors: New Fiction by Iranian American Writers.
  • April 12, 2014, 7pm @ SJSU Student Union Ballroom: ” A Screening and Discussion of Babak Sarrafan’s ‘Doosteh Hameshegy—Forever Friends’ and Mo Gorjestani’s “Refuge”.
  • April 12, 3pm @ MLK 225. Digital storytelling project, “Iranian American Voices of Silicon Valley” by Persis Karim.

April 11-12, 15-19: The Grapes of Wrath. 7pm at the University Theatre. Tickets here.
Don’t miss the opportunity to attend the Steinbeck Gala on April 16. Tickets include reception in Steinbeck Center followed by play and a talkback by Professor Susan Shillinglaw afterwards.

April 15: Shifflett Jazz Combo. 7:30pm in the Music Concert Hall.

April 15 – May 16: The Intimate Diebenkorn: Works on Paper in Thompson Art Gallery.

April 16: Grapes of Wrath Readathon
To sign up: Campus Reading Program
More information: To help celebrate the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Grapes of Wrath and in conjunction with other on-campus celebrations, the SJSU Campus Reading Program is sponsoring The Grapes of Wrath Readathon. We are going to read out loud, from beginning to end, nonstop, the entire book. To complete this achievement we are going to have to pull together and support each other like the Joad family, with different Spartans taking turns moving the reading forward. Mindful of the Joad family’s struggles, and the struggles of many around us in Silicon Valley today, we are combining the reading with a canned food drive. All Spartans are welcome to participate. Get a group or team together to gather donations for the canned food drive. Have the donations dropped off during the event at the Caret Plaza outside the King Library. All donations will go to help those in need in our area. Each team should also send at least one representative to help read the book aloud. We will be starting at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, April 16. Send people from your team to support your rep while he or she is scheduled for reading! A gift will be given to participants and all participating teams will be recorded and recognized in the Spartans Care Readathon Honor Roll.

April 23: Discovering Kwan Yin: Boddhisattva of Compassion With Sandy Boucher. 6:00 – 8:00 pm, King Library, Room 255. Sponsored by Department of Humanities.

April 24: Legacy of Poetry Day (11:45am-3:30pm) Caret Plaza, outside MLK Library.
The theme of this year’s tenth annual edition of Poetry Legacy Day is “SJSU’s Legacy of Diversity Through Poetry: All Forms and Colors,” which will feature readings by former California Poet Laureate Al Young, new Santa Clara Poet Laureate David Sanchez, and renown poet/musician and memoirist Joy Harjo. Also featured will be former Santa Clara Poet Laureates Sally Ashton and Nils Peterson. There will also be readings in remembrance of California poet Wanda Coleman, the unofficial Poet Laureate of Los Angeles. Coleman was one of California’s most well known poets. Her career began among the Beat poets in Venice West in the early sixties and ended with her successfully writing poetry while working as a staff writer for the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives (1975-76), for which she won an Emmy Award. She passed away in November. SJSU’s Legacy of Poetry Day will continue through the afternoon with readings by students, faculty members, emeriti, and alumni. Professors Alan Soldofsky and Annette Nellen will organize the annual gathering.

April 24: The Wisdom Tree Film Screening. 6:00PM, ENGR 189. Sponsored by Department of Humanities.

April 25–May 6: Graphic Design DsGN 197 Senior Show in Art 214.

April 28: Spring Choral Concert. 7:30pm in Music Concert Hall.

May 2-3: Dance Portfolio Concert. 7pm in SPX 219.

May 5: Symphonic Band. 7:30pm in Music Concert Hall.

May 7: Latin Jazz Ensemble. 7:30pm in Music Concert Hall.

May 8: Wind Ensemble. 7:30pm in Music Concert Hall.

May 9: Department of Linguistics and Language Development Convocation, 5pm in ENG 189.

May 9, 11: “Grapes of Wrath” Opera Theater. 7:30pm.

May 10: Kaucher-Mitchell Storytelling Event. 7pm in University Theatre.

May 10: “Hadyn’s Creation” Choral and Symphony Orchestra Concert. 7:30pm in Mission Santa Clara.

May 12: Jazz Orchestra. 7:30pm in Music Concert Hall.

May 13: Reed Magazine Launch Party, 5-8pm @ Blackbird Tavern.
The oldest literary journal west of the Mississippi, SJSU’s own Reed Magazine, will debut its latest issue on May 13, 2014 with a launch party at the Blackbird Tavern, 5-8:00 p.m. Come and meet the editors and celebrate this campus institution.

May 22: Industrial Design End of the Year Exhibit. Lunar’s Design Studios.

May 22: SJSU Student Film Festival. 7pm in Camera 3.

May 22: Department of Art Convocation. 10am in Music Concert Hall.

May 22: Department of English Graduation Ceremony & Reception. 5:30pm – 8:30pm in Student Union Ballroom.

May 22: Department of Humanities Convocation, 11-12pm at the Morris Daily Auditorium. Reception will follow at the Bell Rose Garden from 12:00-1:00 pm.

May 22: Creative Arts Program Convocation, 3pm in Music Concert Hall.

May 22: Department of World Languages and Literatures Graduation Ceremony and Reception. 5-7 pm in University Theatre.

May 23: Department of Design Graduation Ceremony. 11:00-1:00 PM in the Morris Daily Auditorium.

May 23: School of Music and Dance Convocation Ceremony and Reception. 7:30-9:30 pm in Music Concert Hall.

May 23: Department of Television-Radio- Film and TheatreConvocation Ceremony.  4pm in University Theatre.

The College of Humanities and the Art sponsors more than 400 cultural and artistic events every year.

For all events in the College of Humanities and the Arts, please visit our events calendar.
