Glen Gendzel

Glen Gendzel Portrait

Chair, Professor, Department of History (Photo by: David Schmitz/San José State University)

Glen Gendzel is chair of the Department of History in the College of Social Sciences. He is a California native and specializes in California and U.S. history, focusing on politics, business, culture, immigration and foreign policy. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of California, Berkeley, and a doctoral degree on the same subject from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Phone: 408-924-5514
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History and Culture, History, California History, Local History, US History

Hien Duc Do

Hein Duc Do Portrait

Professor, Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. (Photo by: David Schmitz/San José State University)

Hien Do is a professor of sociology and interdisciplinary social sciences specializing in Asian American Studies. His research focuses on Vietnamese Americans, the formation of Vietnamese-American communities and impacts on religion and immigration. He is an expert on race and ethnic relations, students in higher education and Asian Americans in politics. He holds a doctoral degree in philosophy from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Phone: 408-924-5461
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Libra Hilde

Libra Hilde

Professor, Department of History. (Photo by David Schmitz/San José State University)

Libra Hilde is a professor in the Department of History. Her focus is on race and gender in the 19th century United States, with an emphasis on the antebellum period, slavery, The Civil War and Reconstruction. She also has a strong background in 19th and 20th-century Native American history. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and Native American studies from the University of California, Berkeley, a master’s in history from UC Berkeley and a doctoral degree in history from Harvard University.

Phone: 408-924-5654
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Aerosols, Air pollution, Engineering, Science, Technology