SJSU Forensics Team Debates in Santa Rosa

Genelle Austin-Lett, SJSU Forensics Director, reported that the award-winning SJSU Forensics Team earned multiple trophies yesterday at the Santa Rosa Tournament. Chantel Steburg and Katelin Zweifel-Korzuchin competed in their first debate tournament as novices. Katelin was 4th novice speaker and Chantel was 8th novice speaker.

David Jacques‘ partner couldn’t make it (his professor wouldn’t let him take his mid-term early) so David was paired with a student from City College of San Francisco. The two took a silver medal and David was 2nd place novice speaker.

In open Katrina Swanson was 2nd place speaker

The open team of Matt Zweier and Avesta Sabetian took a silver.  This was their first time as partners and Matt was 1st place speaker and Avesta was 5th.

The entire squad was 2nd place sweeps in debate. Congratulations to our winning debaters!!