Aerospace studies storage gets renovated

The Aerospace Studies Department at San Jos&eactue; State University has refurbished its storage room in MacQuarrie Hall with $5,000 from the College of Applied Sciences and Arts through a small project proposal program last year. The storage closet houses about $60,000 worth of Aerospace cadet uniforms.

Major William Hampshire drafted a small project proposal in Spring 2013 to request funding to renovate the storage room. The money was used to fill holes in the walls, improve lighting, repaint the walls and most importantly to install storage solutions. The new storage solutions allow for open viewing  of the uniform inventory and has made it easier for cadets to issue uniforms, according to Lt. Col. Douglas Lomsdalen, the chair for Aerospace Studies.

The renovation also freed up some space for the cadets to store training gear in the room so they are saving about $900 a year in storage fees.

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