Faculty Early Tenure and Promotion: David Schuster

David Schuster Photo Credit: Karl Nielsen Photography

David Schuster
Photo Credit: Karl Nielsen Photography

David Schuster

Early Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

Years at SJSU: 5

Department: Psychology

RSCA focus: How complex sociotechnical systems support or hinder people, with a particular focus on decision making among cybersecurity professionals

Associate Professor David Schuster received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program Award in 2015 that is helping to fund his research on human cognition in cyber defense. In 2017, he received SJSU’s Early Career Investigator Award, and he has co-authored more than 30 papers in journals, edited books and conference proceedings. He manages the Virtual Environments, Cognition and Training Research Lab, in which he has mentored almost 50 students.

“Seeing students present their research is always a great moment,” he said.

Schuster is a co-investigator on an NSF-funded technology pathway program that led to a minor in computer programming for College of Social Science majors and is also co-advisor for the Human Systems Integration minor.

“There are so many opportunities for interesting, important and lucrative careers in my field but sometimes they are in unexpected places,” Schuster said, noting that students should “keep exploring the field and learning about the diverse research being conducted.”

Note: Congratulations to the 43 faculty members who received tenure and/or promotion for 2018-19. We have invited each faculty member to participate in a series of posts profiling their teaching, service, and research, scholarship and creativity activities. Those faculty who opted to participate will be featured throughout the fall semester on the Academic Spotlight blog and the digital sign in the Administration Building lobby.

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